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We are now calling for abstracts for this conference - please see the attached information sheet and the relevant section of the website for more information.
You don't have to be in academia or employed by an NGO to submit an abstract - if you have been working on something you think will be of interest to delegates at the conference and would like to present your work we'd love to hear from you.
This international conference will be the first in a field that is rapidly becoming recognized as a key component in animal welfare work. Modern practice is moving away from the traditional approach of service provision (e.g. veterinary care, training, or hands-on assistance) and raising awareness, towards human-centered approaches generating change that lasts.
We are also looking for partners for the event - options range from running a workshop to branding cupcakes with your logo - so please get in touch if you would like to discuss this further.
Finally if you could circulate details about this event to your networks and encourage individuals to sign up to the conference mailing list on the website that would be greatly appreciated: