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The section of epidemiology is teaching throughout the veterinary undergraduate studies in the first, third and fourth year, and will provide assistance for statistical questions during your Master's study. In these courses we provide basic training in biostatistics, epidemiology, evidence-based-medicine and some aspects of veterinary public health, such as infectious disease control, animal welfare, zoososes and other.
The basics are taught during the first year and broadened during the third year. In the fourth year the module "veterinary public health" will take place, which we conduct in collaboration with the Veterinary Public Health Institute of the Vetsuisse Faculty in Bern.
During their Master's project most experience their first contact with biostatistics. For a smooth introduction to statistical data analysis we offer the SSPS course. For possible Master projects please consult the faculty homepage..
For postgraduate veterinarians we offer the SPSS course, as an introduction to statistical data analysis. We also offer specialised courses according to demand. You can find examples in the menu on the left. To keep informed please subscribe to our news feed or agenda.
Our section supervises Ph.D.'s and theses to obtain the doctor in veterinary medicine at the University of Zürich. We also have regular visits from interns of other programs and Universities, as well as visiting researchers. For any concrete project, please contact us directly.