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Please consider submitting an abstract to the following special session on marine diseases at the 2016 Ocean Science Meeting in New Orleans (Feb 21-26):
Scaling up: Marine infectious diseases from the molecule to the ecosystem Session
Session Description: Infectious diseases are key drivers that shape local biodiversity and are becoming increasingly important as anthropogenic change exacerbates disease processes. Despite this, parasites and pathogens are commonly overlooked or under-appreciated as drivers of ecology and biodiversity in many ecosystems. The establishment, severity, and outcome of disease are governed by numerous interactions within the host-pathogen-environment paradigm. A shift in these factors can lead to or away from a diseased state, and disease emergence is modulated by this interplay. The factors that impact disease outbreaks and severity occur across many scales of magnitude, from viruses-antigen interactions, to trait- and density-mediated responses of hosts to pathogens, to regional and global environmental oscillations. Understanding how processes interact across these scales to alter epidemiological patterns is an important challenge, for which numerous new multidisciplinary fields are emerging, including molecular epidemiology, eco-immunology, and ‘big data’ approaches. In this session, we invite contributions that investigate marine diseases across scales. Student participation is highly encouraged.
The deadline for all abstract submissions is Wednesday, 23 September 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.