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Ziel unserer Abteilung ist es, die Veterinärepidemiologie mit ihren Methoden und Anwendungen weiter zu entwickeln. Dies geschieht mithilfe von Vorlesungen und Übungen (Epidemiologie und Biostatistik) während dem Veterinärmedizinstudium und für Postgraduierte und von unseren Forschungsprojekten.
Wir bieten Unterstützung in statistischer Beratung (Datenauswertung und Study design) für Mitglieder der Vetsuisse-Fakultät Zürich an.
Paul Torgerson, Sonja Hartnack, Philip Rasmussen and Violeta Muñoz presented their research at the 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) held in Halifax, Canada.
The project "Decentralize and operationalize the One Health platforms in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo" will facilitate the participation of both political actors and practitioners in the field, thus addressing the main political, economic, technical and cultural barriers to the implementation of the One Health approach.
Your task will be to evaluate the knowledge integration at the level of the One Health field units as well as at the level of the national governance structures endorsing those units.
At the annual conference of the United Kingdom Environmental Law Association (UKELA ), a panel discussion was held with Jane Haviland and Melanie Baines from UKELA, Charles Foster, Barrister, Fellow and Associate Researcher at the Faculties of Law, Philosophy and Medicine at the University of Oxford, and Simon Rüegg from our Section